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In Our Words


Hispanic Heritage Month 2021

We celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American champions who have inspired others to achieve success. At Family Lifeline, we honor Hispanic heritage both in the office and out in the community with those we serve. Through the words of our very own staff, we share what Hispanic heritage means to us.

What does Hispanic heritage mean to you?

"It means that I am continuing to keep my culture alive, not only within my family but also in my community and the opportunity to share with others about the beauty of the language and culture."

Sara Shockley

Program Manager

"Being Hispanic means flavor, culture, beaches, and the sun, the beauty of nature, tradition, music, drums, and typical costumes from my country. It is zest and the warmth that people have when they welcome you. Being Hispanic is something I carry in my heart, it’s something that makes me feel very proud. Thanks to Family Lifeline for giving us the opportunity to grow with them."

Lorena Rodriguez

Parent Educator

"For me being Hispanic means having witnessed my parents sacrifices in pursuit of a better life and making the best effort for the next generation by setting a new standard. But to me it also means being “ni de aqui ni de alla.” It means navigating through three different worlds simultaneously and celebrating the beauty in it all. I come from a mix of a mom from Mexico and a father from El Salvador; but born in the United States."

Adilene Coreas-Vargas

Parent Educator

"To me being Hispanic means coming from a Diverse Community we all look different but have that same love for food, dance and culture we have so much beautiful culture I am very fortunate to share two cultures my mother is from Ecuador and my father is from Costa Rica two beautiful countries."

Jocelyn Retana

Parent Educator

"For me being Latina means having pride of my culture, my family, and its heritage. It is to honor my past, present, and future. It means to own one thing nobody can take away from me."

Elisa de la Vega

Parent Educator

"For me, being Hispanic is everything, my traditions and culture have helped me to be a better person and mother, being able to transmit my values and traditions to my children has been an important part in their lives, we Hispanics are humble people full of life and joy always ready to help our community, now with this opportunity I can share and learn more about our culture working with Hispanic families sharing ideals and helping them to be a Hispanic pride."

Ingrid Retana

Parent Educator

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