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1. El Monstruo de Colores/ The Color Monster
By Anna Llenas Serra.

Con esta adaptación en cartón duro del éxito de ventas El Monstruo de Colores ahora también los más pequeños podrán poner nombre a sus emociones. Aprenderán, junto al Monstruo de Colores, a poner en orden la alegría, la tristeza, la rabia, el miedo y la calma. El álbum lleva más de 25 ediciones sólo en España, se han vendido más de 1,5 millones de copias en todo el mundo y se ha publicado en más de 25 idiomas.
With this hard cardboard adaptation of the bestseller The Color Monster, now even the little ones will be able to name their emotions. Together with the Color Monster, they will learn to put joy, sadness, anger, fear and calm in order. The album has more than 25 editions in Spain alone, more than 1.5 million copies have been sold worldwide and it has been published in more than 25 languages.
2. El Día en Que Descubres Quién Eres/ The Day You Begin
By Jacqueline Woodson (Author), López, Rafael (Illustrator), Teresa Mlawer (Translator)

Hay muchas razones por las que uno se puede sentir diferente. Quizá sea por tu apariencia o por la forma en que hablas o de dónde vienes. A lo mejor es por lo que comes o por algún motivo similar. Sea cual sea la razón, no es fácil dar ese paso de entrar a un lugar donde no conoces a nadie; pero de alguna forma lo haces.
El lírico texto de Jacqueline Woodson y el deslumbrante arte de Rafael López se combinan para celebrar el valor que se requiere para hacernos un lugar en un mundo diferente al nuestro. Y nos mueven a pensar en que si damos el paso y compartimos nuestra historia, es casi seguro que otros se interesen por conocernos mejor.
There are many reasons why one might feel different. Maybe it's because of your appearance or the way you talk or where you come from. Maybe it's because of what you eat or for some similar reason. Whatever the reason, it is not easy to take that step of entering a place where you do not know anyone; But somehow you do.
Jacqueline Woodson's lyrical text and Rafael López's dazzling art combine to celebrate the courage it takes to make a place for ourselves in a world different from our own. And they make us think that if we take the step and share our story, it is almost certain that others will be interested in getting to know us better.
3. ¡Solo Pregunta!: Sé Diferente, Sé Valiente, Sé Tú/ Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You
By Rafael López and Sonia Sotomayor

En esta tierna historia que refleja la diversidad, escrita por Sonia Sotomayor, juez del Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos, e inspirada en su propia experiencia tras diagnosticarle diabetes durante su infancia, los lectores descubrirán cómo los niños de esta historia utilizan sus habilidades y fortalezas para trabajar juntos y aprender los unos de los otros. Con vibrantes y llamativas ilustraciones del galardonado artista Rafael López, este libro nos demuestra que las diferencias son maravillosas, y que si en alguna ocasión no entiendes algo, no debes quedarte callado, ¡SOLO PREGUNTA!
In this heartwarming story of diversity, written by United States Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and inspired by her own experience after being diagnosed with diabetes in childhood, readers will discover how the children in this story use their skills and strengths to work together and learn from each other. With vibrant and eye-catching illustrations by award-winning artist Rafael López, this book shows us that differences are wonderful, and that if you ever don't understand something, you shouldn't keep quiet, JUST ASK!
4. ¿De Dónde Eres?/ Where Are You From?
By: Yamile Saied Méndez (Author), Jaime Kim (Illustrator)

Este resonante libro ilustrado cuenta la historia de una niña a la que constantemente se le hace una pregunta simple que no tiene una respuesta simple. Un excelente tema de conversación en el hogar o en el aula: un libro para compartir, en el espíritu de I Am Enough por Grace Byers y Keturah A. Bobo.
Cuando se le pregunta a una chica de dónde es, de dónde es realmente, ninguna de sus respuestas parece ser la correcta. Sin estar segura de cómo responder, se dirige a su abuelo amoroso en busca de ayuda. Él no le da la respuesta que ella espera. Le da una aún mejor.
This resonant picture book tells the story of a girl who is constantly asked a simple question that has no simple answer. A great conversation starter at home or in the classroom: a book to share, in the spirit of I Am Enough by Grace Byers and Keturah A. Bobo.
When a girl is asked where is she from, where is she really from, none of her answers seem to be correct. Not sure how to respond, she turns to her loving grandfather for help. He doesn't give her the answer she expects. He gives her an even better one.
5. Dragones y Tacos/ Dragons Love Tacos
By Adam Rubin (Author), Daniel Salmieri (Illustrator)

Todo el mundo sabe que solo hay una cosa que a los dragones les gusta más que las fiestas y los tacos y es una fiesta de tacos. Pero hay algunos detalles que hay que tener en cuenta si das una fiesta de tacos: a los dragones les encantan los tacos de pollo, los de carne, los tacos gigantes y los pequeñitos. Para decidir cuántos tacos vas a necesitar para la fiesta, llena un barco de tacos y esa será la cantidad adecuada. Pero ten muy presente que no debe haber ninguna salsa picante, porque, si no, ¡la cosa se pone verdaderamente en llamas!
Everyone knows that there is only one thing that dragons like more than parties and tacos and that is a taco party. But there are a few things to keep in mind if you're hosting a taco party: Dragons love chicken tacos, beef tacos, giant tacos, and little ones. To decide how many tacos you will need for the party, fill a taco boat and that will be the right amount. But keep in mind that there shouldn't be any hot sauce, otherwise things really go up in flames!
6. La Superniña del Cilantro/ Super Cilantro Girl
By: Juan Felipe Herrera (Author), Honorio Robleda Tapia (Illustrator)

¿Qué sucede cuando una niña pequeña de repente comienza a ponerse verde, tan verde como una hoja de cilantro, y crece hasta alcanzar los quince metros de altura? Se convierte en Super Cilantro Girl y puede superar todos los obstáculos, ¡eso es! Esmeralda Sinfronteras es la superheroína ganadora en esta efervescente historia sobre una niña que vuela grandes distancias y escala altos muros para rescatar a su madre. El galardonado escritor Juan Felipe Herrera aprovecha las fuentes de su imaginación para abordar y transformar las preocupaciones que muchos niños de primera generación tienen sobre las fronteras nacionales y la condición de inmigrante. Honorio Robledo Tapia ha creado brillantes imágenes y paisajes que harán las delicias de todos los niños.
What happens when a small girl suddenly starts turning green, as green as a cilantro leaf, and grows to be fifty feet tall? She becomes Super Cilantro Girl, and can overcome all obstacles, that’s what! Esmeralda Sinfronteras is the winning super-hero in this effervescent tale about a child who flies huge distances and scales tall walls in order to rescue her mom. Award-winning writer Juan Felipe Herrera taps into the wellsprings of his imagination to address and transform the concerns many first-generation children have about national borders and immigrant status. Honorio Robledo Tapia has created brilliant images and landscapes that will delight all children.
7. Amor de Pelo/ Hair Love
By Matthew A. Cherry (Author), Vashti Harrison (Illustrator)

El pelo de Zuri le permite ser ella misma. Se enrolla o se riza para convertirse en una corona de princesa o una capa de superhéroe. ¡Pero un día súperespecial necesita un peinado súperespecial! Peine en mano, papá le ayuda a Zuri a encontrar el look perfecto. Con un texto entrañable e ilustraciones radiantes, Amor de pelo celebra los rizos que son solo tuyos, el lazo entre padres e hijas y la alegría que te llena cuando puedes expresarte libremente.
Zuri's hair allows her to be herself. She rolls or curls to become a princess crown or superhero cape. But one super special day she needs a super special hairstyle! Comb in hand, Dad helps Zuri find her perfect look. With endearing text and radiant illustrations, Hair Love celebrates the curls that are yours alone, the bond between fathers and daughters, and the joy that fills you when you can freely express yourself.
8. La Luz de Lucía/ Lucy's Light
By: Margarita Del Mazo (Author), Álvarez, Silvia (Illustrator)

Lucía es la menor de una familia de luciérnagas. Quiere brillar como lo hacen las demás, pero es demasiado pequeña para iluminar el bosque. Por fin, una noche, después de esperar y esperar, a Lucía le llega su momento. ¡Al fin está lista! Podrá salir e iluminar el bosque con sus compañeros, pero algo la detiene.
La noche siguiente, cuando llega el momento de partir, la emoción de Lucy desaparece y no quiere marcharse de casa. Afortunadamente, su familia la apoya y la anima a brillar y confiar en sí misma pase lo que pase. Ser consciente del talento de uno es difícil, pero debemos recordar que somos únicos y ¡tenemos mucho que compartir!
Lucy is the youngest of a family of fireflies. She wants to shine like the others do, but she is too small to light up the forest. Finally, one night, after waiting and waiting, Lucía gets her moment. Finally she is ready! She will be able to go out and light up the forest with her companions, but something stops her.
The next night, when it's time to leave, Lucy's excitement wears off and she doesn't want to leave home. Fortunately, her family supports her and encourages her to shine and believe in herself no matter what. Being aware of one's talent is difficult, but we must remember that we are unique and we have much to share!
9. La Gallina Cocorina/ Clucky the Hen
By Mar Pavon (Author), Carretero, Mónica (Illustrator)

Finalista en los International Latino Book Awards 2011 y 2014. La gallina Cocorina tiene un gran corazón, pero es un poco torpe y olvidadiza... Un cuento lleno de emoción escrito en verso que nos enseña que nadie es perfecto.
Finalist in the International Latino Book Awards 2011 and 2014. Cocorina the hen has a big heart, but she is a bit clumsy and forgetful... A story full of emotion written in verse that teaches us that nobody is perfect.
10. ¿Qué Hay En La Cara De La Abuela?: Una Historia Sobre la Cuarentena/ What's On Grandma's Face?: A Quarantine Story
By Jessica Lauramore (Author), Studio, Rezdewi (Illustrator), & Javier Paz (Translator)

La historia de una niña que está en cuarentena durante una pandemia. Todo lo que quiere es pasar tiempo con su abuela. Cuando su abuela finalmente aparece para una visita, ella tiene una máscara.
The story of a girl who is quarantined during a pandemic. All she wants is to spend time with her grandmother. When her grandmother finally shows up for a visit, she is wearing a mask.
11. Todos Bostezan/ Everyone Yawns
By: Anita Bijsterbosch

¡Un libro ideal para los niños que se resisten a irse a dormir! Cada doble página presenta a un animal que, bostezando, nos muestra su enorme boca mediante un mecanismo de solapa, hasta que al final? ¡todos duermen! Un libro de compañía para compartir con tu hijo el momento mágico de irse a dormir.
An ideal book for children who resist going to sleep! Each double page presents an animal that, yawning, shows us its huge mouth through a flap mechanism, until at the end? everyone is sleeping! A companion book to share with your child the magical moment of going to sleep.
12. Buenos Días (Día y Noche)/ Good Morning (Day and Night)
By: Meritxell Martí (Author), Xavier Salomó (Illustrator)

Este libro de cartón enseña a los niños diferentes actividades y rutinas diarias. Con ilustraciones del reconocido Xavier Salomo, las páginas interactivas cautivarán a los jóvenes lectores mientras suben y bajan las pestañas para despertar a todos los personajes y luego acostarlos.
This cardboard book teaches children different daily activities and routines. With illustrations by the renowned Xavier Salomo, the interactive pages will captivate young readers as they lift the tabs up and down to wake all the characters up and then put them to bed.
13. Veo Veo/ I See, I See
By: Antonio Rubio (Author), Villán, Óscar (Illustrator)

La colección De la cuna a la luna incorpora dos nuevos títulos para seguir “educando el ojo y endulzando el oído” a los prelectores de 0 a 3 años: pictogramas poéticos o poegramas basados en la rima y en la representación gráfica de los elementos que cita el texto. “Veo veo” es un poema pictográfico que se apoya en la suma de objetos a partir de la estructura dialogada del viejo juego homónimo de acertijos. En este juego musical -donde destaca el gusto por lo absurdo y el disparate- se van enumerando y sumando elementos heterogéneos traídos por la fuerza de la rima.
The From the Cradle to the Moon collection incorporates two new titles to continue "educating the eye and sweetening the ear" for pre-readers from 0 to 3 years old: poetic pictograms or poems based on rhyme and the graphic representation of the elements it cites the text. “I see I see” is a pictographic poem that is based on the sum of objects from the dialogue structure of the old homonymous game of riddles. In this musical game - where the taste for the absurd and nonsense stands out - heterogeneous elements brought by the force of rhyme are enumerated and added.
14. Cocodrilo Va al Dentista/ Crocodile Goes to the Dentist
By: Gomi Taro (Author)

A veces, hay cosas que no nos gusta nada hacer. Pero debemos hacerlas. Cuando un cocodrilo con una caries debe visitar al dentista, ambos intuyen, cada uno por sus propias razones, que no será una visita ni placentera ni sencilla. Y aunque ambos piensan lo mismo, tienen que pasar por un largo y doloroso encuentro que le enseñará al cocodrilo que, cuando se puede, hay que evitar las visitas que no queremos hacer. Así, el célebre ilustrador japonés construye una historia que sirve para que padres e hijos conversen sobre la importancia de tener buenos hábitos dentales.
Sometimes, there are things that we don't like doing at all. But we must do them. When a crocodile with a cavity has to visit the dentist, they both sense, each for his own reasons, that it will not be a pleasant or easy visit. And although they both think the same, they have to go through a long and painful encounter that will teach the crocodile that, when possible, we must avoid visits we don't want to make. Thus, the famous Japanese illustrator builds a story that allows parents and children to talk about the importance of having good dental habits.
15. Animales/ Animals
By: Antonio Rubio

«Animales» reúne una amistosa y heterogénea sucesión de fauna silvestre y salvaje. «Frutas» contiene una selección de sabrosos alimentos procedentes de sus respectivos árboles. Son los nuevos títulos de la colección De la cuna a la luna. Sus destinatarios son niñas y niños de 0 a 3 años, para quienes se han diseñado especialmente estos pictogramas poéticos o poegramas; un término acuñado para designar una modalidad de poesía pictográfica basada en la búsqueda de un ritmo de lectura que ayude a “educar el ojo y endulzar el oído” del pequeño lector, como explica su autor, Antonio Rubio.
"Animals" brings together a friendly and heterogeneous succession of wild and wild fauna. "Fruits" contains a selection of tasty foods from their respective trees. These are the new titles in the From the Cradle to the Moon collection. Its recipients are girls and boys from 0 to 3 years old, for whom these poetic pictograms or poems have been specially designed; a term coined to designate a form of pictographic poetry based on the search for a reading rhythm that helps "educate the eye and sweeten the ear" of the young reader, as its author, Antonio Rubio, explains.
16. Under My Hijab
By: Hena Khan and Aaliva Jaleel

Grandma wears it clasped under her chin. Aunty pins hers up with a beautiful brooch. Jenna puts it under a sun hat when she hikes. Zara styles hers to match her outfit. As a young girl observes six very different women in her life who each wear the hijab in a unique way, she also dreams of the rich possibilities of her own future, and how she will express her own personality through her hijab. Written in sprightly rhyme and illustrated by a talented newcomer, Under My Hijab honors the diverse lives of contemporary Muslim women and girls, their love for each other, and their pride in their culture and faith.Grandma wears it clasped under her chin. Aunty pins hers up with a beautiful brooch. Jenna puts it under a sun hat when she hikes. Zara styles hers to match her outfit. As a young girl observes six very different women in her life who each wear the hijab in a unique way, she also dreams of the rich possibilities of her own future, and how she will express her own personality through her hijab. Written in sprightly rhyme and illustrated by a talented newcomer, Under My Hijab honors the diverse lives of contemporary Muslim women and girls, their love for each other, and their pride in their culture and faith.
17. We Are Still Here!
By: Traci Sorell

Too often, Native American history is treated as a finished chapter instead of relevant and ongoing. This companion book to the award-winning We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga offers readers everything they never learned in school about Native American people's past, present, and future. Precise, lyrical writing presents topics including: forced assimilation (such as boarding schools), land allotment and Native tribal reorganization, termination (the US government not recognizing tribes as nations), Native urban relocation (from reservations), self-determination (tribal self-empowerment), Native civil rights, the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), religious freedom, economic development (including casino development), Native language revival efforts, cultural persistence, and nationhood.
18. The Sky of Afghanisgtan (Dari) (Persian Edition)
By: Ana Eulate (Author), Sonja Wimmer (Illustrator), Jon Brokenbrow (Translator)

و اندوه شروع به اوج گرفتن می کند. او به سمت آسمان پرواز می کند، تا زمانی که رویای طولانی مدت را که در آن همه ما دست در دست هم می گیریم، تصور می کند. او ما را دعوت می کند تا با او رویاپردازی کنیم تا در کشور او افغانستان، صلح برای همیشه حاکم شود. رویای او به همه مناطق هدایت می شود، او وارد خانه ها، خانه ها، خانواده ها، قلب ها می
(Translated from English by Google Translate)
In a country ravaged by war, a girl looks up at the sky, closes her eyes and her imagination begins to soar, far away from hatred, from sadness. She flies up high, high above into the sky, until she envisions that long-awaited dream in which we all hold hands. She invites us to dream with her so that in her country, Afghanistan, peace may reign forever. Her dream is directed to all regions, she enters homes, homes, families, hearts.
19. Am I small? آیا من کوچک هستم؟: English-Dari Edition
By: Philipp Winterberg (Author), Nadja Wichmann (Illustrator)
"من کوچیکم؟" - تامیا مطمئن نیست و مدام از حیوانات مختلفی می پرسد که در سفرش با آنها ملاقات می کند. در نهایت او پاسخ شگفت انگیزی را پیدا می کند ...
(Translated from English by Google Translate)
"Am I small?" - Tamia is not sure and keeps asking various animals that she meets on her journey. Eventually, she finds the surprising answer...
20. My Dad
By: Susan Quinn and Marina Ruiz

My Dad is a beautifully illustrated, stereotype-busting celebration of all the everyday things one child's dad does to make him so wonderfully, daddish-ly awesome! He may not be a superhero, or an astronaut, or a secret agent… but my dad is still the best dad in the world! From baking cookies and gardening to playing make-believe and watching the sunset, a child reveals all the simple yet wonderful things he loves to do with his dad.With lyrical rhyming text and gentle illustrations, this is a joyous celebration of fatherhood that creates a special reading experience between a child and their father.
21. Daddy's Arms
By: Fabian e. Ferguson (Author)

"Daddy's Arms'' is a fun children's book that tells the story of a little boy's adorable and amusing everyday interactions with his dad. Whether it s playtime, bathtime, or bedtime, this wildly imaginative child has his dad s arms take center stage for every fantastic new adventure. This book celebrates the bond between father and child as well as the joy of fatherhood. Parents and guardians will certainly enjoy reading Daddy s Arms to kids, just as much as kids will enjoy listening to them.
22. Whose Toes are Those?
By: Jabari Asim (Author), LeUyen Pham (Illustrator)

A vibrant, playful verse that celebrates a beautiful brown baby's adorable little toes, for fans of Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes. Snuggle with a child on your lap with this cheerful rhyme inspired by the classic giggle-inspiring game of This Little Piggy. With lush, adorable pictures from New York Times bestselling illustrator LeUyen Pham, reminiscent of the beloved work of Ezra Jack Keats, this interactive board book full of toddler appeal is a perfect baby gift for parent-child playtime.
23. The Boy with Big, Big Feelings
By: Britney Winn Lee

The Boy with Big, Big Feelings is relatable for any child -- especially kids experiencing anxiety, extreme emotions, autism, or who have been diagnosed as a Highly Sensitive Person. Beautifully illustrated and written in rhyming verse, children and adults explore the whole spectrum of feelings and readers navigate the emotional challenges they face throughout the day.
24. Benji, the Bad Day, and Me
By: Sally J. Pla

In this tender story about siblings, author Sally J. Pla shares her experience of raising sons with different personality traits and needs. Benji, the Bad Day, and Me embraces the philosophy that we are all part of a wide spectrum of neurodiversity. And on those really bad, rotten days, you can always count on family to be there for you.
25. Ruby's Reunion Day Dinner
By: Angela Dalton

This joyful picture book taps into the rich African American tradition of family reunions, with delicious food at the heart of the celebration. Angela Dalton's warm text is perfectly paired with Jestenia Southerland's beautiful art in this sweet picture book, filled with the tenderness and warmth of this multigenerational extended family and the food they share.
26. Ollie Feels Fine
By: Toni Yuly

Ollie the octopus has a lot of feelings and he struggles to understand them. One especially busy, emotional day, Ollie becomes overwhelmed by all of his feelings. But with the help of his good friend, Stella the starfish, Ollie is reassured and able to feel that he is ok, and that it is fine to have so many feelings.
27. How to Apologize
By: David LaRochelle

Wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone knew how to apologize? Luckily, this humorous guidebook is full of practical tips about when, why, and how to say you're sorry. From a porcupine who accidentally popped his friend's balloon to a snail who was running so fast he stepped on a sloth's toes, hilarious examples and sweet illustrations abound. For both listeners who are just learning and older readers who need a refresher, this book will come as a welcome reminder that even though apologizing can be hard, it doesn't have to be complicated.
28. The Night Dad Went to Jail
By: Melissa Higgins

When someone you love goes to jail, you might feel lost, scared, and even mad. This colorfully illustrated book lets children know that they are not alone in this situation. It offers age-appropriate explanations to help with difficult conversations. Told from the experience of a rabbit, this picture book is intended to make a parent's incarceration a little less frightening.
29. Something Very Sad Happened: A Toddler's Guide to Understanding Death
By: Bonnie Zucker

Something Very Sad Happened is intended to be read to two- and three-year-old children to help them understand death and process the loss of a loved one. Written at a developmental level that is appropriate for two- and three-year-olds, the story explains death; lets children know that it is okay to feel sad; and reassures children that they can still love the person who died, and the person who died will always love them.
30. Momma, Can I Sleep with You Tonight? Helping Children Cope with the Impact of COVID-19
By: Jenny Delacruz

This all-ages storybook is designed to soothe, comfort, and explain hard topics without leading kids into even more stress. It's the perfect picture book to read with your child to help them understand and work through their confusion, fear, and even anger at the things they cannot do right now.